Penang National Park|Pulau Pinang|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

The Penang National Park is located at the north-western corner of Penang Island, and the Park's ecosystem is a diversity of habitats with hills, sandy and rocky beaches, streams and coastal forests -representing much of the natural habitats of Penang. It is the smallest national park in the country with a size of 2,562 hectares.

Penang National Park was set up to preserve and protect flora and fauna as well as objects with geological, archaeological, historical, ethnological and other scientific and scenic interests.

The park is unique as it contains several different types of habitat including a meromictic lake (a lake in which some water remains partly or wholly unmixed with the main water mass at circulation periods), wetlands, mangroves, mudflats, coral reefs and turtle nesting beaches. Penang National Park offers vast opportunities for research, education, recreation and ecotourism activities such as climbing, trekking, swimming, wildlife observation or simply enjoying the natural environment, which is a combination of the forest and sea.


asiadeli said...

Hi blog hopping from the Ultimate Blog Hop. I would love if you could return the favor. Thank You.

DP said...

What a beautiful place! I'm following you back.

Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

Anonymous said...

This park is just absolutely beautiful! Thanks for coming by my blog...I'm following you back (on Twitter too).

Laura said...

Thanks for the follow. Following back:) Have a marvelous Monday!


Patti D. said...

It looks so nice! with I was there now

Concerned American Citizen said...

It looks very peaceful and relaxing there. Nice pics. I'm following back. Thank you for stopping by & following. Have a wonderful week! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi. These photos are really beautiful. They make me want to go take a hike :) I found you through today's blog hop. Please come visit me at:

Dreaming of Vintage said...

What a beautiful and magical looking place!

Jessi said...

Hi, I'm stopping by from the SSS (a little late). Those are beautiful pictures!

Unknown said...

Hey girl! Wow what beautiful pictures!! Thanks for the follow I'm following you back:-)

Anonymous said...

I love the sky/water picture. It's beautiful! Thank you for following Random Deals. Here to return the favor. :)

Also if you haven't had a chance to check it out we have a Blog Hop Library with over 200 blog hops(seriously)!

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Jessica | Cajunlicious said...

LOVE your blog!

Hi! Following you thru the Monday Blog Hop! Would love a follow back!
- Jessica @

Shanae Branham said...

Penang National Park looks beautiful. I’m your newest follower. I found you off of “I love my online friends Monday hop”. Cheers,

My Blog

NANCY said...

Absolutely stunning pictures!! Wow.


I'm your newest follower. If you'd like to follow back, you can find me at

Ann Jones said...

Great photos, looks beautiful! Following you from the magnificent monday blog hop, look forward to your future posts! You can find me at

JON ERIC said...

i'm your newest follower.. love to learn about moms in other countries.. follow us as well and our

Blogger Broadcast said...

Those photos are so beautiful. Following you back.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are GORGEOUS!!

Thank you for stopping by Nomie's 3 Monsters!  I'm following you back!