Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary|Perak|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

Kuala Gula is a fishing village located along the coast of Perak, approximately 50 km south west of Taiping. The Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary is within the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, a rich mangrove and mudflat ecosystem. Nearby is Pulau Kelumpang, an island within the reserve which is surrounded by the Selinsing River at its south east, the Kelumpang River at its north east and the ocean on its west. Pulau Kelumpang is encircled by new mudflats rich with young mangrove (Avicennia spp) trees. These mudflats are vital foraging areas for migratory species as well as nesting sites for resident species.

Kuala Gula is renowned locally and internationally especially amongst birdwatchers for it is a hotspot for waterbirds, both resident and migratory species. Local as well as foreign tourists all over the world, including the United States, Australia, Europe, Japan visit Kuala Gula to observe these birds.During the migration season between August and April every year, more than 200,000 migratory birds representing some 50 species are estimated to stop over here.

The Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary has won the "Best Tourist Attraction (Natural Attraction)" category during the Malaysia Tourism Awards, a prestigious award presented to agencies and organisations which contribute to the development of tourism in Malaysia.

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