Melaka River Cruise|Melaka|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

The river was the main artery of trade for Melaka in its heyday when it was bustling with traders from all around the world. Some buildings from that era still stand majestically by the river, which is also lined by old villages, or kampungs, and modern day buildings. The 45-minute cruise is accompanied by an entertaining and informative commentary.

The Melaka River with its cruise is the biggest surprise. The muddy, murky water is now quite clear, with a tinge of emerald green. Clean embankments on both sides stretch for several kilometres. The river has also been widened and a mechanical device has been installed to control the depth of the water. The idea was to make the river completely pollution-free, so as to develop exquisite gardens on its banks, and pave the pedestrian pathways to perfection.

Passengers on the Malacca River cruise get a feel of the multi-cultural and historical fabric of the country. One can even see the Melaka tree, under which Parameswara was so inspired by the sight of a mouse deer kicking a dog that he named the place Melaka. The 26 fibre-glass boats are named after historic figures such as Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Munshi Abdullah and Tun Perak. Passengers are also serenaded with traditional songs such as dondang sayang.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't been by for a while and I see I've missed a lot.
    These pictures are so calming.


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