Pasar Besar Kedai Payang|Terengganu|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

Pasar Besar Kedai Payang (Payang ‘s Big Market Shop) or Pasar Payang in short (also known as Central Market) is the lifeline of Kuala Terengganu. Located by the Terengganu River, it is one of the most popular tourist spots in Kuala Terengganu, not only for shopping but also to have a taste of life in Terengganu. It is also close to the Shabandar jetty, making it ideal for a short stop en route to the islands off the coast.

The Pasar Payang is housed in 2 storeys building consisting of a wet market and a shopping arcade, it offers visitors a variety of items to purchase - from grocery items such as such fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, "keropok lekor" etc to traditional products and souveniers like batik, brassware, brocade and songket. Visitors to this market will have a delightful experience shopping in local fares at reasonable prices.

Pasar Payang serves as both a wet market as well as a trade centre for the local community. There is a festive air as you approach the entrance of the market, with makeshift stalls lining the path, displaying trinkets of all kinds. In their loudest voice, these peddlers will impress you with the alleged magical powers of the amulets, the potency of their traditional medicines, or the quality of their precious stones.

On the ground floor, trading stalls are covered with fresh fish, meats and vegetables of all colour, many manned by kindly-faced old ladies, ever smiling, inviting you to their wares.


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