Fort Cornwallis|Pulau Pinang|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

Fort Cornwallis or The Great Fortress of Penang is located at Padang Kota Lama, Georgetown.The star shaped Fort Cornwallis marks the starting point where Francis Light and his crew from British East India Company landed in Penang on 11th August 1786 to "take possession" of the island from the Sultan of Kedah. It was later named after the Governor-General of Bengal, Charles Marquis Cornwallis.

The Fort was built initially with nibong (palm trunk) stockade with no permanent structures, covering an area of 417.6 sq. ft. And it was only during Colonel R.T. Farquhar's term as Governor of Penang in 1804 that the fort was rebuilt with bricks and stones by convict labor dispatched from India.

Although was originally built for the Royal artillery troops and the military, it was used more on administrative rather than defense. In its entire history, the fort had never been engaged in any battle even when the Japanese took over Penang from the British during World War 2.

Today, Fort Cornwallis with its new ornamental wooden gate and complete with an observation tower at the main entrance, looks more solid and intact than ever. The heart of the fort contains lines of air condition historical gallery, a handicraft and souvenir shop, and a modern open-air amphitheatre, where local music and cultural festivals are frequently staged.

The legendary fort of Penang has now turn to become a protected historical and with the current overall area of 332,859 sq.ft, the fort are the biggest and the most intact fort that can be found in Malaysia.


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