Agriculture Heritage Park|Interesting Places In Putrajaya|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

Agriculture Heritage Park is located at Precinct 16, Putrajaya. It emphasises the Malaysias agricultural background with commercial values. This is Malaysia’s first official Agriculture Heritage Park (AHP), built to showcase the development of the nation’s agro-based commerce and its contribution to the nation’s economic growth over the centuries. What is unique about this park is that it is a live museum that displays all aspect of agricultural industry in Malaysia.

Sitting on a fourteen-hectare site, the AHP boasts a Visitors’ Complex, a Viewing Deck, a Rubber Processing Demonstration Area, a “Herbs and Spices” Track and a Pepper and Coffee Processing Demonstration Area. Visitors can, for example, see how rubber is processed, from latex collection to the coagulation process and the rolling of rubber sheets.

A large part of the site has been planted with 170 different types of agricultural trees and plants like rubber, cocoa, oil palm, pepper, coffee, fruits, herbs and spices. It is a haven for plant lovers, as they can see how these agro-based trees and plants are germinated, grown, nursed and later harvested and processed into downstream products, edible or otherwise. During the fruiting season, free fruit samples from the orchard will also be offered to visitors.


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