Rantau Abang|Terengganu|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

Located at 22km north of Kuala Dungun and 80km south of Kuala Terengganu,Rantau Abang is probably the most talked about tourist spot in Terengganu. There, visitors can lie quietly in wait from midnight to dawn to watch giant leatherback turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. The beach terrain here is favourable as it has a steep and deep slope so that the turtle can 'land' straight up the beach.

These giant turtles grow up to 2.5m long and sometimes weigh more than 375kg.  Rantau Abang is one of only six places in the world visited by these turtles, from the months of May to September.

These turtles and their eggs are also protected. Their eggs are located and replanted by scientists in incubator centres where controlled conditions can influence the sex of young turtles, helping the species survive.

interesting places in Malaysia


  1. What an interesting post. Love the photos. When I lived in Turkey ( many years ago) we used to ride on the giant turtles. Thank you for joining me at Gifts By Katherine.

  2. Wow that is a big sea turtle. Thank you for visiting, I am now following.

  3. Hi! Thanks for following my blog. I'm now following yours. :-)



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