Orang Utan Island|Perak|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

Orang Utan Island is located within the exotic, eco-friendly getaway of Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, a 7,000 acre freshwater lakeside haven in Semanggol, Perak. The Orang Utan Island itself, which was formerly known as Pulau Panjang, comprises a vast 35 acre area, 5 acres of which has been set aside as a research centre for these endangered primates.

The Orang Utan Island, which opened in 2000, is the first of its kind in the world, and designed to resemble the orang utan’s natural rainforest habitat as much as possible. As such, its red-haired residents are able to roam freely within their lush, jungle environment while visitors view them from safe, enclosed spaces built within a dedicated viewing area.

The island also serves as a valuable educational tool for reaching out to people who may know nothing about the crisis the orang utans are facing, and how close they are to becoming extinct. Upon their visit to the island, visitors are exposed to all aspects of the orang utan’s existence, including how they behave, eat, breed and socialise, and the dangers they face.


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