National Zoo|Kuala Lumpur|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

The National Zoo is located on 110 acres (45 ha) of land in Ulu Klang, near Taman Melawati, in north-east Kuala Lumpur. It was officially opened on 14 November 1963. The park is managed by a non-governmental organization known as the Malaysian Zoological Society.

The National Zoo is home to 5137 animals of 459 different species. Over the years, the zoo has transformed itself to an open concept zoo with over 90% of its animals kept in spacious exhibits with landscape befitting its nature.

In the Zoo are numerous paths meandering between wooded groves and tree-lined enclaves where the animal enclosures are located. Among the more exotic exhibits are the Sumatran tiger, orang-utans and gibbons. All are extremely rare outside this part of the world. There are also scheduled elephant shows in the elephant Amphitheatre and a "Multi-animal show in the "Main Amphitheatre". There's also a possibility make a ride on an elephant.


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  2. Love these photos! Thanks for sharing!

    I'm (finally) stopping by from the Super Stalker Sunday hop! Thanks for joining us and I hope you'll join us again this weekend!
    Mariah, FormulaMom


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