Layang Layang Island|Sabah|Malaysia

Interesting Places In Malaysia

Layang Layang Island or Pulau Layang Layang is located about 300 kilometre north of Labuan near the famous spratly group of islands. It is a world class diving and fishing paradise. Some rate it as a "Big fish and wall diving Mecca of Southeast Asia".

Its coral walls plunge a staggering 2000 metres down to the floor of the South China Sea. Its warm waters are crystal clear with visibility averaging underwater world. Large shoals of pelagics, including massive numbers of barracuda, jacks and the hammerhead shark frequent these waters. By one tour operator's account, an awesome school of hammerhead sharks numbering a hundred regularly visit Layang-Layang. Manta rays with fin spans of over 10 feet are also found here. Other residents include the Napoleon Wrasse, Hawksbill turtles, Dog tooth tuna, Giant hammerhead wrasse and the White tip reef sharks.

The island has a 1,067-metre airstrip and a comfortable 90 rooms three-star resort. Every room is air conditioned with private amenities and comes equipped with TV, fridge, extra size beds and a private oceanfront balcony. There is a 200-seat restaurant, full service PADI dive centre, a free form water pool and souvenir shop. This is a "must visit" island for every serious diver and angler.


  1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for becoming one of my followers. I've also became one of your followers too.. There sure are alot of beautiful places to visit in Malaysia. Maybe someday I can come visit!

  2. good information.thank you. :)


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